Tooting in a container

Sun Jul 7 '19

I run an instance of Mastodon on a Fedora host. Building Mastodon is a bit of a pain, so I’ve made it worse by trying to build & run it under an Alpine Linux container with systemd-nspawn.

But, before I poorly document what I did to get it to work, I have a rant about what I had on my mind while I was doing this to myself.


A decade ago, I had a different attitude toward my machines than I do now. I was comfortable installing whatever packages or programs to build some one-off thing or run a service that I would use for a month or so until something broke or I got bored. None of it really mattered for long.

For the most part, I didn’t deal with the sort of problems that you solve if you want to compile or distribute anything for someone else to run. When writing software for myself, or for a single configuration, not a lot of thought goes into organization around source, build, runtime, configuration, and data. It all kinda blends into one thing–maybe more so with interpreted languages. In my personal experience, for what that’s worth, this is a common attitude. Especially in web development.[1]

For a time, it was (and may still be?) quite popular to include minified/bundled JavaScript or compiled/transpiled TypeScript/CoffeeScript with the source code in the VCS for software projects in those languages. Amazon scans public git repositories on GitHub for AWS secrets because people version control that information along side source code.

Treating your sources, build artefacts, and deployment secrets as separate things with different objectives in space & time is more complicated (more work) compared to treating them all the same. I’ve worked with people who, for that reason, don’t believe that they should think about these things.[2]

The culture improvised and came up with their own designs and I remember people struggling to use “task runners”, like Bower or Grunt, as glorified shell scripts with flaky parallelism & incremental rebuilds thrown on after-the-fact. While build systems, even those as simple as ninja, fit the purpose well. And I’d be disregarded when advocating for these programs on the basis that they’re “antiquated”; as well as when advocating for Go for the opposite reason.

I can’t shake the idea that Docker is a similar thing in that it allowed developers to go from running their Node.js services as root in screen without supervision to running them as root in Docker supervised by Kubernetes or something cloud like that. And maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe screen was the best they could ever do. And Docker is preferable to that and cool enough that people are motivated to use it.

But I wonder if the momentum of modern software development has been set by people who, like me, were oblivious to software life-cycle doctrines in other ecosystems. Like how init systems, package management, and build systems were used to solve problems.

As someone who doesn’t need their containers to auto-scale, running a service with Docker has yet to be easier than running a service by installing a package. Techniques to decouple applications from their hosts, with things like static linking or containers, seem like the responsibility of system administration. Not something that developers should generally impose.

Also, I don’t hate containers. I think it’s cool that one can copy a container to another system and run it there. (Sort of like building packages on one machine and installing them on another.) I believe namespaces and isolation are useful and can be used to solve problems. I like that I can make an OpenSUSE container on my Fedora host to build RPMs for an OpenSUSE system without a chroot or a VM or whatever. Because, man, do I hate VMs.

The Container

Mastodon’s installation instructions tell you to install Node.js and npm and Yarn and stuff in order to build and run its three services, mastodon-sidekiq, mastodon-web, mastodon-streaming.

It seems odd to me, but it looks like they have you build a specific version of Ruby specially for Mastodon, instead of using the system Ruby.[3]

Alternatively, they provide some instructions on how you can use docker-compose to run Mastodon and its dependent services, Redis & PostgreSQL. Now, I want to run those two services on my host. But I can’t even figure out how to get Docker to work with my init system properly, so I definitely don’t know how to convey dependencies between docker-compose containers and services running on my host. And figuring that out isn’t as interesting as all this.

First, I grabbed and unpacked the desired Alpine Linux rootfs (see their downloads page) with machinectl. This unpacked the container’s rootfs at /var/lib/machines/mrtooty.

machinectl pull-tar --verify=checksum \ \

We use could run systemd-nspawn -M mrtooty to get a shell, but if we do, we’ll get some complaints about our tty and job control won’t work. I don’t know why. Thankfully, this helpful comment on github tells us what to do about it. So we can use the following to run the ash shell in our container.

systemd-nspawn -M mrtooty -- /sbin/getty -nl /bin/ash 0 /dev/console

Some of the instructions for Mastodon are specific to Ubuntu. But basically it tells you to install Node.js, npm, Yarn, and a bunch of packages with development headers so you can build Mastodon or Ruby or something. This is what I ended up installing in order to build Ruby and run things.

apk add imagemagick ffmpeg libpq postgresql-dev libxml2 \
   libxslt file git g++ protobuf protobuf-dev pkgconf nodejs \
   npm gcc autoconf bison yaml-dev readline-dev zlib-dev \
   ncurses-dev libffi gdbm gdbm-dev yarn libidn-dev icu-dev \
   openssl-dev bash make linux-headers gcompat su-exec

Two important additions above are:

  • gcompat, which provides /lib/ Otherwise the mastodon-streaming service will fail to start because the library is required by node_modules/@clusterws/cws/dist/cws_linux_64.node under the Mastodon sources.

  • su-exec which I use in the systemd service file to switch users.

At this point, I followed their instructions pretty closely. I made a user for the Mastodon services and started bash.

apk add shadow
useradd mastodon --system --create-home
su -s /bin/bash - mastodon

The rest of instructions for installing Ruby should pretty much work. Except I didn’t build with jemalloc because it’s not available in Alpine Linux; it’s not minimalist enough for musl or something.

After that, the instructions go on to talk about PostgreSQL which I’ll skip since I’m not covering that here.

The “Setting up Mastodon” section which checks out the Mastodon source code into ~/live (still as the mastodon user) and running bundle and yarn is important and should just work.

We can quit out of our shell to stop the container. At this point, I’m moving the container over to the host that it will run on.

The Toot

This is where things get really stupid. But, by the time I had realized my mistake, so many compromises were made that it was too late to turn back.

The trick is to run the three mastodon services (mastodon-sidekiq, mastodon-web, mastodon-streaming) on a single rootfs.

If you try and start an nspawn-machine that is already running, it will tell you that the rootfs is busy. And apparently this is a good thing for a good reason.

We can scoot by this since Mastodon doesn’t need to modify the rootfs while our services are running. It just needs to modify our its home directory to some degree, at least for user uploaded attachments.

So here I’ve taken /home/mastodon from the container out of the rootfs directory tree and put it at /home/mastodon on the host. Now I run systemd-nspawn with a few extra options which are documented online:

  • --register no; Keeps the container from registering with machinectl. The machinectl commands won’t really work to control these services anyway since it requires they run systemd & dbus and they aren’t.

  • --bind /var/run/postgresql; I connect to PostgreSQL over a UNIX domain socket, so this makes that work. I’m pretty sure the UID in the container must match a UID on the host that is authenticated with PostgreSQL for this to work. (Install postgresql-client and run psql --host /var/run/postgresql -d mastodon_production in the container to test it out.)

  • --bind /home/mastodon; This will mount our install of Mastodon–readable and writable.

  • --keep-unit; Prevents systemd from creating a new scope for the container. Without this, only the first service will run and subsequent services will fail to create a mrtooty scope. I don’t really know what scopes are all about. So hopefully this option isn’t bad.

  • --read-only; Sets up the rootfs read only to the containers so that we can start three services in their own containers using the same rootfs.

My service files follow. But I’m pretty sure they don’t work right. Like I bet the pid for each service is for systemd-nspawn so ExecReload sends SIGUSR1 to nspawn and just takes it out.



ExecStart=systemd-nspawn -M mrtooty \
        --register no \
        --bind /var/run/postgresql \
        --bind /home/mastodon \
        --keep-unit \
        --read-only \
        -- /sbin/su-exec mastodon \
        /usr/bin/env DB_POOL=5 RAILS_ENV=production \
        bash -c 'cd /home/mastodon/live && /home/mastodon/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec sidekiq -c 5 -q default -q mailers -q pull -q push'




ExecStart=systemd-nspawn -M mrtooty \
        --register no \
        --bind /var/run/postgresql \
        --bind /home/mastodon \
        --keep-unit \
        --read-only \
        -- /sbin/su-exec mastodon \
        /usr/bin/env PORT=4000 NODE_ENV=production \
        bash -c 'cd /home/mastodon/live && /usr/bin/npm run start'




ExecStart=systemd-nspawn -M mrtooty \
        --register no \
        --bind /var/run/postgresql \
        --bind /home/mastodon \
        --keep-unit \
        --read-only \
        -- /sbin/su-exec mastodon \
        /usr/bin/env PORT=3000 RAILS_ENV=production \
        bash -c 'cd /home/mastodon/live && /home/mastodon/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb'
ExecReload=/bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $MAINPID


Anyway, don’t do this. Like most things I do in life, I realized I was probably making a mistake but it was too late to turn back. This is a dumb hobby.