
Hi. This is my website.

I enjoy things like Python, Linux, Rust (sometimes), computers (not really lol), tomatos, tomato sauce, and sourdough.

You can contact me by sending an email addressed to nearly anything at the domain of this website.

This website is free.

links to my trash /sqwishy /~sqwishy /sqwishy

  1. 2024
  2. Exploding the Civilization IV User Interface

    Making the Civilization IV look big and silly for high pixel density displays.

  3. HTML as a configuration file format

    Another Civilization IV post disguised as a revolutionary way to marry bloated webapps with software configuration files.

  4. Positional Audio in Grounded via Mumble

    Using Cheat Engine to make my friend sound far away from me in our voice chat.

  5. Realism Invictus

    About a mod for the video game Civilization IV.

  6. 2023
  7. VPS migration & selinux resentment

    Rant about the one time I forgot to disable selinux and it prevented sshd from starting.

  8. Continuous Deployment to Cloudflare Pages from a SourceHut repository

    Modernizing with reverse cloud at the edge using socat tcp-listen:8080 exec:systemctl start important-things.service

  9. Caching with LVM snapshots for ephemeral self hosted GitHub runners

    If I see another blog post with a stock photo of a shipping container I’m gonna heckin’ lose it.

  10. Why is it four clicks to view GitHub workflow logs?

    :O blogger reacts to the number of clicks exploding head emoji

  11. Think Helvetica

    tldr; map -apple-system to sans-serif in your fonts.conf for better times

  12. 2022
  13. CEO Robrick-Patbert Froghat’s email to employees

    Layoffs at

  14. Funny leetcode prank for software job interviews #haha🤣🤣🤣💩

    #unexpected #TryNotToLaugh

  15. Rewriting

    I rewrote my static site generator again. But only a little bit.

  16. Elm

    Elm is a fun programming language that I really liked a lot and that I gave up on last year.

  17. 2021
  18. Using nginx to reverse proxy the internet

    Using nginx as a reverse reverse proxy to de-terminate TLS for connections from our internal network to the internet.

  19. 2020 Review

    Disclaimer: I received this product for free for the purpose of this review.

  20. 2020
  21. Pizza: Part ii

    Condensed follow-up on my pizza incinerating regimen.

  22. Untitled Guest Post

    A guest post by John Field about a video he produced.

  23. Markup Rant

    Complaining about Markdown & reStructuredText mostly I guess.

  24. Phone Rant

    Complaining about phones I guess.

  25. Pizza

    How I burn my pizza.

  26. Don’t Woof

    Shilling for Datomic; aimless conjecture on linguistics & pattern matching; and a report on my poor use of SQLite.

  27. Impetuous

    Reflection on rewriting my old time tracking software in Rust.

  28. Some things I did in 2019

    Pizza & Rust.

  29. 2019
  30. How to not update dependencies in Rust

    An instructional on how to not update the dependencies for your program or library written in Rust.

  31. Content

    Querying web APIs is an awful experience.

  32. Tooting in a portable service

    Running Mastodon services inside of a systemd portable service.

  33. Tooting in a container

    Running Mastodon services inside of an Alpine Linux systemd-nspawn container.

  34. ngx_http_map_module

    A fun way to serve files with nginx under vaguely mnemonic URLs.


    Duplicating file descriptors between processes across a UNIX socket.

  36. PulseAudio

    Broadcasting or recording audio from only select applications in a Linux desktop.

  37. Tufte

    Nice style sheets & fonts.