CEO Robrick-Patbert Froghat’s email to employees

Wed Nov 30 '22

Today, we’re announcing the hardest jump we’ve had to make at ever. We’re reducing the size of our team by roughly 100% and saying goodbye to many talented Froggies. If you’re one of the Froggies being impacted, you will receive a croak notification to your Happy Hopper app within the next 15 minutes.

For those of you leaving: I’m vewy sowy to be taking this step and I take full responsibiwity for the decisions leading up to it. o(>ω<)o

how we’re handling departures

Around 100% of people at will be leaving the company. For those that are impacted, it pains us that we could not live up to their expectations as company where they live out the rest of their days in service to.

Please know that this is definitely not the separation we imagined when we hired you. But when you have toad the line as long as you have, there’s nothing left except to take the bandage and ribbit off.

We care about you as former colleagues, and as frogs in our extended pond, and appreciate everything you’ve done for We’re creating email addresses for all departing Froggies and encourage you to stay connected with us and our alumni community via the Happy Hopper app. We’re also creating a new tier of extra large discounts to merchandise for anyone who decides to start wearing our swag now or in the future!

We also encourage other employers looking for amazing talent to consider our departing Froggies. They’re great dealing with bugs, and would be fantastic additions at almost any other company.

the great leap forward

People join because they are excited to do business things and company stuff. Uncertain economic times are even more reason to adapt and grow and scale company and business and deliver more value to customers and users with products and innovations.

Today is a sad day for all as we say goodbye to a number of talented Froggies. This week, we’ll do our best in supporting those leaving who might be feeling despondent.

Even though it sucks, I know these changes put us on the right pad. Next week, we’ll reset and hop forward.

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